Three Abrasions of LeAnn's Fate

Three Abrasions of LeAnn's Fate
By: Marilyn Fritz
Description: A tale of romance, and let downs of LeAnn Steon, a beautiful, petite woman with auburn, thigh length hair, and green eyes.
LeAnn has a passion for ballet, Equestrian activities, and goes through three different relationships, that leave her with a son, and a dangerous situation. Not knowing which relationship got her in the situation, LeAnn hides, but everything catches up, taking her deeper into a sinister plot. Questions arise about her parents, who she thinks Susan, and Lester Steon are. A photograph opens up the past connected to arms dealers, and a scientist named Dr. Vaughn Sternson.
When agent Daniel Guertson, and Randy Burke come on the scene, she's taken on a roller coaster ride between lies, and hope.
Available in paperback and Kindle format!

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